It was a wonderfully overcast day. I had 2 hours in which to get to our shoot location and get done and drop Malcolm off at home before I jetted off to practice for Good Friday. Our location was 20 minutes away, but somehow we made it work.
Malcolm is an amazing pianist and he wanted to take pictures with a piano (understandably) but as we were shooting around Napa and keeping an eye out we were having a hard time finding any hotels or churches that had one or that weren't having some sort of choir practice. But the last thing we were going to try was the Napa River Inn. We went in and spoke to a very nice Irish man and he said that they didn't have a piano in the hotel, but he got us into the Jazz club next door where they were setting up for their night and let us take some pictures in there.
Malcolm was very excited. (Ok, so was I) It's amazing where people will let you shoot if you just ask them. ;)