I got home from school today and walked through the kitchen and suddenly I heard someone playing a harmonica. Random noises are not an uncommon occurrence in a household with many children, and they often happen in the kitchen, as food is a central point of interest to many in our family.
The most unusual thing about this particular crazy random happenstance was that when i looked to see who was playing a harmonica with some semblance of awesomeness, it was my 5 year old brother! He is pretty greatly celebrated for his cuteness around here, but apparently hasn't had much attention paid to his rather impressive 5 year old musical talent.
In the spirit of supporting the arts, I ran down to the cave that I live in (it actually is a basement cave room with no windows), and grabbed my trusty 5DMKII and persuaded him to allow me to document his newfound skill.
I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do!
I particularly enjoy the cameo by Treeco the Pokemon. :D