location stuffs

Gorgeous light, Gorgeous woman

There is something about a little sister that causes me to forget sometimes that she is no longer the little adorable curly headed baby that she once was.

This little cutie has grown up and turned into a beautiful woman inside and out.
She's way more organized that I will ever be, she is a hard worker, and she is just amazing in so many ways.
When I looked through my camera yesterday the woman she has become was so obvious and stunning.
I love you Lindsay.

Old cars and a cool brother

I'm pretty sure that all of my brothers are cool, the youngest definitely is, as evidenced by my last post, and the two in the middle are, though they haven't been on my blog very much yet. But today this post is dedicated to the awesomeness of my eldest brother, Seth. I will always be older...and smarter...and all that that entails...but Seth is taller than me, and he is quite a wonderful and obliging model.

2 saturdays ago Seth and I went downtown to a car collection with one of my class groups, and he very willingly got all 40's decked out and was more than happy to sit in this amazing Tucker Classic Car for a few pictures...In fact he was so happy in the car that even when i was in between shooting he told me "You go ahead and do whatever, I'm just going to sit in here."

When I was editing these photos I kept forgetting that I wasn't actually editing pictures from a Humphrey Bogart movie. Just kidding, but sort of not really! ;)

Thank you, awesome Sethie! (Yah, he may be almost out of his teens, but he's still our Sethie.) 

Good Family is Good

I got home from school today and walked through the kitchen and suddenly I heard someone playing a harmonica. Random noises are not an uncommon occurrence in a household with many children, and they often happen in the kitchen, as food is a central point of interest to many in our family.

The most unusual thing about this particular crazy random happenstance was that when i looked to see who was playing a harmonica with some semblance of awesomeness, it was my 5 year old brother! He is pretty greatly celebrated for his cuteness around here, but apparently hasn't had much attention paid to his rather impressive 5 year old musical talent. 

In the spirit of supporting the arts, I ran down to the cave that I live in (it actually is a basement cave room with no windows), and grabbed my trusty 5DMKII and persuaded him to allow me to document his newfound skill. 

I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do!

I particularly enjoy the cameo by Treeco the Pokemon. :D

Dacy and Tyrel's Wedding: Preview

Yesterday was a day almost like any other...I woke up, showered, went to school, however, unlike other days, Dacy and Tyrel committed themselves to each other forever, and gathered their friends and families together to celebrate.

In the swiftly fading fall light after the ceremony, Dacy and Tyrel took a few moments to be together before getting the party started with everyone who had gathered, and that little bit of joyful peace was amazing.

Have a great time in Hawaii together, and enjoy this preview!